Project Torque

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a busy week!

Greetings fellow MMG fans. My apologies to you all for taking such a long time to update my blog, but boy has it been a busy period for me, especially this last week.

With the initial release of the MMG F1 2007 Mod Server Edition, many were wondering what most of the group would be working on now, well we've already told you about focusing more on 1991 and also finalizing the F1 2007 Mod Public Edition release.

This past week for myself has been spent outside of MMG work for my actual company products which are in pre-development. Spending the week writing up documentations on design and development of an MMORPG has kinda taken its toll on me and it will be great to be back onto MMG work from Monday.

I have however kept track of MMG work and whilst I have not had the time to personally put some hard work in to the MMG departments this week, I have still been overseeing the work thats being done, and all the staff members are progressing as well as they can.

As some of you may know the old (last years) MMG 1991 mod CLOSED beta was leaked on the net. We endorse everyone to not support the leak or download it, in fact we appeal to fans and non-fan's of MMG to report any leaks to us. To those of you who have tried it, what you saw is probably the most offencive thing ever done in this community by one of its members. It is just appalling that there are people in this community that will just stop at nothing then to ruin things not only for the community but for the creators too. But we won't be detered from it, and we won't quit our mods simply because some idiotic person wants to leak our old work.

The 1991 mod is progressing. Right now we're waiting on Juandi to get done with mapping something for another mod so he can begin the re-mapping of the 1991 cars, we have several painters waiting in line to paint the cars once the mapping is completed, as well as painters for the helmets. This will still take some time but we are working on the cars we wish to release in a small demo first so we can give you all something to enjoy before the full mod is out due to the time it will take. We're also re-doing all the in'game processes to select the options we want the cars to have so they can be at the same quality as the 2007 mod cars.

Having learnt much from the 2007 F1 Mod, we're very much in line with what the do's and don'ts are for rFactor modding and we're hoping to have a relatively bug free mod, but please don't quote me on forums saying that I said that we will have a bug free mod, because I am saying that we're HOPING we will have a bug free mod.

One of the new painters in MMG known as JR has been an excellent help in the area for painting. He did some adjustments to the paints for the Ferrari to show us what he could do and I can assure you that you will all be impressed with the 1991 car graphics, as we have a very strong painter lineup selected to paint these cars. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Mira who is one of the rare few females you would find in race simulation modding today. Mira has joined us for Helmet and Livery painting, not only to extend her skills but to also be apart of MMG and our mods. It is a pleasure for us to have her and to see that MMG mods appeal even to the opposite sex, its good to see more females involved in not only sim-racing games but also sim-modding.

As for the Safety car. It was mentioned that the safety car was not used in 1991. However the game programming still requires a safety car. I mean we could remove the safety car but then we'd have nothing to replace it with. The 1991 season had a very complex set of rules, of which rfactor cannot incorporate too much of. One person mentioned about the red flag system, whilst that was an all well and good system in real life, trying to simulate that in rfactor would not only be wrong, but very frustrating for players. Especially league admins. I'll explain why.

rFactor does not have the implementation of stopping and starting a session using the red flag options. If a session is to be stopped in rfactor then it requires that session to be restarted from scratch. For leagues, this is a nightmare as it means having all drivers remove themselves from the server, have the server refresh the game by closing it out and restarting it, re opening the room, and re-adding the drivers, then re adding the qualifying order if the red flag occured in qualifying, and it would just be chaotic. Not to mention if it happened during a race, you would not be able to restart from the number of laps left, or have the drivers in the order they stopped in before the red flag. Due to this we instigate the safety car which is coded into rfactor, we were thinking of modelling a 1991 mercedes or bmw or something of that year so that the safety car would look to the age of the mod, but instead to not waste time with the initial release we will be using the MMG F1 2007 Mod safety car in the 1991 Mod.

As for the menu, we will be continuing to use the rfactor blue menu as we did with the MMG F1 2007 Mod. I am not a fan on changing the menu's but the rfactor blue menu is the best menu out there in my view for rfactor. It was created by pain-less and you can acquire it here if you don't have it already.

I do also want to apologise to pain-less as I don't believe we gave rightful credit to him for the menu in our 2007 mod credits. We will be sure to do so in the expansion release and also in any other mod we use it on. I hope its ok with you pain-less and I apologise that you were not asked first, we assumed it being an rf addon that we could use it, but rushing as we were to release the mod, we forgot to add you to the credits. My apologies as I really love that menu and respect your work and would never claim it as MMG's. We're very proud and honoured to use it in our mods and if you have no objections we hope to continue using it, but if you don't want us to, then please let me know.

We're looking into many things for the 1991 mod. What you can expect? Well...lets see here...

The initial release of the mod will contain the drivers that participated for each team in the first GP of the year. We will have our own sounds of course, and the car paints will be of course from that year. What we then plan on doing is working on the expansion pack to add all the driver changes for that year and all the car changes for that year (be it models or liveries). This way we can give a more complete mod, but I know many of you will be asking, well how will the game know which drivers to use? ahh well, let me answer that.

For one we will be having a look at trying to force drivers (except player driver) for each GP, but that would only work for our tracks, so its not the best option. The best option I believe is rfactor's very own opponent selecter. When you choose to race in a test day, race day or season, you can select which opponents you want to have in the race/season etc. From there you can add the drivers you want and remove the drivers you don't want from that season. So if you prefer to have Michael Schumacher and Andrea De Cesaris in Jordan instead of Alex Zanardi and Andrea De Cesaris, then you can. Or maybe you'd want Roberto Moreno and Alex Zanardi instead of the other two drivers who piloted the Jordan that year. You can select your field for the season as you wish it to be.

We're looking into more details of the 1991 mod to make it more enjoyable. The 1991 mod is a special season to many of us, especially us Senna fans! So you can be sure that MMG is doing its utmost best to make this mod as perfect as we can.

Another note is that we're re-modelling the tires also on the cars. We wanted to upgrade some of the tire models as we felt they could be done better, hopefully they will impress like our 07 tires did.

I guess that will be all for the mod work for now. As for me, I have to continue my work throughout the weekend and then on Monday get back stuck into MMG departments. This week has been a tiring one for me. Our host servers were down for a few days with DNS troubles and that resulted to a league I host being down too. I apologise to them for that and hope all is well now that everything is working top notch again.

After having spent the week on that, I spent a few hours each day on catching up on MMG progression to ensure things are still going well and to place members who had finished their areas to new areas to work on, things were kept in order and kept rolling pretty well.

Another thing to note my attention is all this rumors of track stealing. As for FrankBR's tracks being used, we had permission to use them and we did so, but then he got upset that we released it, I'm sorry but a group does not ask permission to use and modify a track just to keep it on the backburner, they ask for permission as they want to release it in their mod, unfortunately deals with FrankBR didn't hold through as he decided to revoke the permission, but we're taking a different approach to acquiring the selfsame track frankie boy converted from the GP4 creators in order to release our version of it. Hopefully it will fall through.

The latest rumor that will appear on the agenda is the Bahrain release on You'll no doubt have CTDP start accusing that it is copied from their Bahrain, but then, when have you known CTDP to not accuse a mod group of stealing? they think they are the begin all and end all of modding and that everything belongs to them. Well unfortunately for them, modding does not revolve around them, and our Bahrain track is a legitimate, permission granted, NON CTDP CONTENT USING track which we will not remove and CTDP can just accept the fact that they are wrong or keep arguing over a track that is not theirs.

I have to admit that all these accusations and rumors get to me at times. Its petty and tiring to have to deal with people who believe everything created by anyone else is theirs.

Oh and lest not forget the GP4 mod group that is now back at claiming that our 1991 cars are theirs after we spent posts and posts proving to them the latest mod cars are not and Cherry the modeller of the 1991 cars has shown viable proof of all his car modelling. None of the cars in the MMG 1991 mod NOW are used from other groups. In the beginning we had permission from another group to use a few of their cars but due to all these accusations in the past we said hell to that and had cherry model his own which he has done. Its unbelievable what mod groups have to go through. You get two mod groups make the same track and they will both squabble over it, or one of them will say the other stole it. Its the same friggin track, it will look the same, it will have the same logo's on the billboards. When its the same track or same car, how do you expect it to look different? Sighs...

In all, as the leader of MMG I more often then not get blamed or flamed on as the bad guy when one of my members does something wrong. I as an individual, as the leader of MMG try to take the appropriate actions to ensure the rightful permissions to using others work is taken before we use it (except for the 07 blue menu from pain-less) which was not added to the mod by me but by another member working in that area, but again I apologise to him for not having asked him first. I try to acquire permissions the right way and after I do, when the product is ready to release I get shafted by the person who gave the permission, and that makes me look bad to the community. It is not my fault if people change their minds, all I can do is find another way or rectify the situation myself. It seems more people are trying to screw MMG more then help it and thats just not on. Which is why I am using less and less products from the community.

I would like to thank ISI however for giving us permission to use any of their tracks and even modify them to the requirements needed for our mods. It is a pleasure to see that the company itself at least is not like independant modders who turn their back on groups and change moods to suit their needs. So thank you ISI for the permission and we hope to do you proud.

Man this was a long post, but its been so long since my previous one. I had a lot to say I guess. I thank each and every one of you for your continued support to MMG. It not only boosts my motivation as the leader, but it boosts the motivation of all the hard working and dedicated members of MMG who work so very hard to make these mods for your enjoyment. I thank all of you who read and post comments on my blog and I hope you continue supporting and enjoying the posts I make here. Now that I am back on MMG work on Monday, you can be sure to expect more posts from now.

As for this weekend, I will be finishing up on the MMORPG documentation and enjoying the race at Bahrain. GO KIMI!!! OR KUBICA!!!

I hope you all enjoy the race also, may you all have a wonderful weekend and week to come.


-Yanden Shadowstalker : Darkness is my eternal bond.

Monday, March 24, 2008

MMG Updates. What are we doing now?

Greetings community members. How are you all doing? I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter. At least those of you who celebrated it this past weekend. For me its not till the 27th of April as I am Greek Orthodox. But for those of you that did celebrate it, I hope you had a great one.

Boy has it been a long few months for MMG. With the Server Edition release v1.0 we finally got the mod right. But with things going well with the 07 mod, the SE v1.1 will be out shortly, and the public edition is being worked on also. But as that is requiring few of the members now to do these updates, the rest I have moved to something else.

Right now I am working on the closed beta of the 1991 mod to release to our beta testers. Due to this, I am now focusing the entire group except those who work on non f1 mods, and those who work on the 07 updates, to concentrate solely on the 1991 mod and after that the 1994 mod.

So basically right now we're working on the 1991 mod to get it ready for release. What the checklist at the moment is for the work schedule I have devised for the group is such for the 91 mod.

* Checking models to fix insufficiencies in the modelling
* Re-scaling the cars so that they have the right scale in game
* Re-painting the liveries into a more better quality to match the 07 cars
* Fixing the LCD's (dash board and rev light) and LODS
* Re-designing the physics and damage and tyre physics
* Modelling the safety car for the 1991 season
* Finalizing the 1991 Sounds

There is more to add to that list but for now those are the key areas to work on and once they are done and bugs arise and things are noticed, we will fix the newly found issues.

So for now we're beginning some heavy 1991 mod work. I hope you will enjoy the updates to come in the near future. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Greetings fellow readers

After a short absence I am back to make another blog post which will become more frequent from now on. Reading all your replies helped me realise that there are still great people around in the community and that I should not be detered by those who only want to cause trouble. I apologise to those of you for my words in my previous post. I know the choice of words were not exactly great to be online but I guess thats what I felt at the time and thats what I wrote. For that I apologise, as I should not have let my emotions get to me so much as to write a post like that, however, I am a human being, who feels sadness, anger, just like any of you. So I hope you all understand and forgive my outburst.

As for F1 2007 Mod. We all know v1.0 was screwed. Some people have been saying that I am just making excuses. Well if saying that I know we made mistakes, and that I know the v1.0 wasn't ideal and that I know and acknowledge the reasons things happened as they did and accept responsibility is making excuses, well then I would like those nay sayers to enlighten all of us un-enlightened people on what is not an excuse. I never meant to make excuses, I just acknowledged our mistakes, and mine most of all, and I acknowledged the problems that needed to be fixed, and did what I can to ensure they do get fixed. This is not making excuses, its simply fixing the mistakes that were done.

I will no longer apologise. I don't see the reason why I should for things that become beyond my control at times. I'm not a god, I'm a human being that also relies on others to help produce the work we produce. Those who like and accept our work, I thank you. To those that don't like or accept our work, then you can simply not play our products, and not comment on them either.

As for the Server Edition, its going really well and we'll be doing another online test with the boys in the group in the morning. I'll be getting up earlier to make the test myself. We're hoping to be done very soon as most of the stuff is done.

I've also been working hard on the F1 2007 Mod guide which will also include a setup creation guide with very extencive and detailed info on every aspect of the setup creation sections within the game. This will be available in PDF format as soon as its done. I am working hard to have it completed soon and I hope everyone enjoys it when its out.

v2.0 public edition is still in the works. Seeing as it will be a hybrid from Server Edition which already includes fixes to the bugs in v1.0, you will have to wait a little while longer for public edition and just make do with server edition which should be good enough for your liking until public edition gets released.

We've also fixed the mirrors. Many complained in v1.0 that the mirrors for some teams were not viewable. This is no doubt because in real life the mirrors are positioned not on the cockpit, but rather on winglets on the sidepods. To counter this you would need to set the look left, look right buttons in the control menu in the game to your wheel, but some people race with steering wheels that don't have too many buttons like mine. So we have made an update which will be available in server edition which will also have the cars mirrors on the cockpit to be viewable in cockpit mode. We hope you will all enjoy this fix. As you can see, MMG listens to its fans and tries to please all that we can, if we can. Seeing how many wanted this, we spent the time to do it, and we hope you enjoy it.

Things are going really well and the team is motivated to continue working hard not only on the 2007 mod, but also on our other mods.

In addition MMG is also making the GP4 conversion with GP4World, and the F1C conversion. We're also looking into a NKPro conversion for all you NKP fans, but that is something that we're ONLY looking into at the moment and seeing what is possible to be done.

We also have a group working on our 2008 Liveries for the 2007 Mod as many of you requested a 2008 Skinpack. Good news is that half of the teams are already done, and as soon as the rest are, they will be released for your enjoyment.

I hope you have enjoyed this update. Stay tuned for tomorrow's update as I bring news of the server edition test and maybe a possible release time as we're nearing close to it now.

I thank you all for your support and I hope you enjoy what we're making.


-Yanden Shadowstalker : Darkness is my eternal bond.

Monday, March 3, 2008

What a blunder (On my part)

Sighs. Where to begin...So the 07 mod was released. Little did we know at the time that the files were wrong. :s Sighs... What a dream release ey?

Well I must say that at least the cars looked great, and the graphics, and FPS was great too. But the sounds were just...not how they were in the build before release, don't know what happened there. And the physics and engines, sighs. This is a classic example why we should never release dates. Rushing to get it out as we were, we didn't notice we used old files and not the ones meant for release.

What a blunder aye? a year of work to blunder it at the final moment. But hey, things are being fixed. v2.0 is being made and that will surely rock your world. We will be making all the fixes found in v1.0, we will be fixing the sounds also to have final versions sounds in it. We will also be moving back to the demo v1 physics which were the ones everyone prefered. I think in all it will make the balance of the mod a lot better.

As for the release, well yes, it was the best now was it? But it was another learning curve for us and we will continue forward to make the 07 mod stunning with v2.0.

The track pack issues were resolved, and a new track pack will be made soon, with tracks mainly used from ISI which we have acquired permission for, (thanks ISI) and from other track developers who have also given us permission to use their tracks and also convert the modelling to different layouts for older season mods. (Thanks guys)

Whats really sad? all those idiots who post pages and pages of bashing at RFC, RSC, No matter what I do it will never be enough will it? So I am taking this time to announce that I am withdrawing from the online community. I will no longer take part in interviews, or posting online. From now on I will elect people suitable to undertake interviews for magazine articles, and for posting things online on RFC and

I feel that by restricting myself to the private staff forum of MMG's, and to this blog, it will be enough for me. The hatred towards me will always be there, and it has ruined my joy and passion considerably, and for this I feel I need to isolate myself into the group and this blog, and not be apart of the community anymore.

I am sorry to those who support MMG and are smart enough to understand that MMG is working on fixing the issues with v2.0, I have been driven to just withdraw myself away. I think it will be better off. This way I don't have to wake up in the morning to 20 pages of flaming and bashing me. And this might give RFC admins a chance to take a break from deleting and shreding posts that flame and bash me all day every day.

I thank you all for your support over the years, and thank you for your continued support in the years to come. I hope you will enjoy v2.0 and server edition which are coming soon, and I hope you will enjoy our future mods. I will do my best to ensure the same mistakes don't happen again.

So to all, I bid a fond farewell. From now you will only be able to see me post on here every chance I get. Will still try to make daily posts. Raymond, Phil and Eddie will keep you all informed as I instruct from the deep confines of the team.

To those who hate me. I don't give a flying fuck what you think of me, you all can go and get fucked. You're nothing but a bunch of fucken losers who sit behind a comp and flame for no reason at all. Each of you need to get a fucken life and grow some brains. Its people like you who ruin this community with all your flaming and bashing. When this community gets rid of all of you mother fuckers, then this community will be so much better. Until then we will still have to endure you fuckwits running a muck in the sites around the net. FUCK YOU ALL, and I mean that from the deepest, most sincerest part of my darkened soul.

To those who support not only me, but the group. You are the reason we work hard to make the mods. We know there are bugs that can be frustrating when you have waiting so long for a mod. But we will always be there to fix whatever is wrong. We thank you for having the decency to act like civil human beings and give us constructive feedback so we can fix the things that are wrong so the mod can be improved further for your enjoyment. We hope you will keep supporting, and we hope to impress you all with the REAL versions of F1 2007 Mod. v2.0.

I will be making another update tomorrow and hopefully will include a more in depth feature list of what you can all expect.

I thank you all. Farewell.

-Yanden - Darkness is my eternal bond.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Get Ready for some F1 Racing, MMG Style!

The time of reckoning has come. The time is nigh when we all will turn our heads to rFactorcentral and see what we have been waiting for...The release of MMG's F1 2007 Mod Full Version v1.0.

Close the door to your computer room, lock it so your wife and kids can't get in and bug you, shut the curtains, remove the phone from the plug, be sure to have your year worth of supplies to sustain you for that long. Then begin counting down to the mod release, refreshing the page every 5 seconds, wondering when the hell it will be posted, swearing, creating new swear words the world has never heard before, waiting impatiently for the mod, and as it appears, you quickly click on it and begin downloading only to have your net or power go off. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That will be sound the world will hear united throughout earth, the first sound from earth to be heard in space. We will witness a new birth of satelites, as computer monitors and desktops become airborn through windows or doors and orbit the earth like satelites. Only to realise that the power cut or net outage lasted a few seconds just enough for you to throw that hissy fit. God, doesn't it feel sooooooo good? What? it doesn't? Oh ok...guess I was wrong...OH RIGHT!!! I have the mod so what do I care? :P What's that? I'm on the hit list of 99% of community members now? LOL Thats hilarious, tell me something I don't know already. HAHAHA

Hey all, I hope you liked my little rendition above, just a little humor before release. I hope you all don't mind :)

Things have been going really well the last few days. Helmets are now done, suits are also 99% done with the last one being finalized. Sounds are being done by Antonio. Unfortunately he won't be able to finish all the individual sounds so for the release we will have an MMG 2007 Base Sound for all teams, which will be to Antonio's normal quality which you have all seen in the 1991 mod. And then as soon as we can after release we will release a sound pack for those who want the seperate sounds. I hope you all will make do with what we have.

All cars and safety car are in game now, which is great, no FPS issues whatsoever which is also great. So things are looking to be a great surprise for the community.

We will have the first five tracks of the season along with working AI from Phil Sousa in the mod. The tracks are used temporarily with permission from the original creators until the MMG tracks are done. However the Barcelona track is the first MMG track you are acquiring, its only a v1.0 and we will be making changes. We will be releasing the MMG Track Pack as soon as we can, however more temporary tracks with the AI fixes will be released used with permission until all of ours are done and our trackpack is released.

We have been working really hard the last week. I have also had to contend with more of these idiotic leaks, having megaupload delete more beta leaks. Its just so fucken stupid people resort to this. Unbelievable really.

The entire group has worked immensely the last week to get everything done, even admins from various certified leagues have stepped up to help with some helmet painting, suit painting, and more. It is great to see the support we're getting from the league admins who have done a fantastic job being apart of MMG.

The mod has had all our love and passion go into it. Everyone who has worked on it. We have done the utmost best we could do with the experience we currently have. We hope you all enjoy it. I would like to thank the entire group that worked so hard, the individuals outside of the group that contributed their work to the mod, and the league admins who did their best to help us finish this in time. Excellent team work and unision guys! I am so proud of all of you.

I would also like to thank the community for their support throughout the development of our mods, this one mainly, through the demo release of the 2007 mod, and through the waiting period from the demo till now for the final release. Most of you have been really great about it all and we are so happy to be able to produce this mod for your enjoyment, we hope you all do enjoy it! Its not long now!

Now lets clear some things up. Some people still hate me and MMG for what they call false promises, or mods not yet being done, some people thinking 1991 and 1994 especially are dead mods. NONE of our mods are dead. Far from it, but let me explain.

It was my failure as the leader of the group (and I hope you know how much it takes for me to say this) to release info of the mods as early as I did. I began with 1994 and 2006 mod (never promised 2005 mod) when we first came to rFactor. We had limited knowledge and at the time were still learning how to mod rfactor. We decided to stop 2006 and give our models to FSOne because we felt it was not worth competing with FSOne at the time, and we wanted to learn more about the game and begin the creation of the 2007 mod before anyone else began it.

We felt most people would prefer a 07 mod as soon as possible, again my failure was to release news too early.

As we progressed through the 07 mod, and learnt so much more about the game, how to do things better, new ways and styles and settings to do things in game to utilize the entire structure of the game, everything rose our experience greatly and it turned a new leaf into MMG. Due to these new finds however, we saw something that was upsetting. The 1994 cars we had made at that point had to all undergo major re-modelling.

Our inexperience in our beginning years on rfactor was what made those cars have problems, and it was our inexperience that made us have to fix them which we're doing at the moment. Whilst the mod has taken a long time to get done, cars are being fixed, they are being worked on, and we're hoping to produce a demo as soon as possible.

We are going back and using the experience we gained, to bring the 1994, 1991, and all other mods we make to the 07 mod quality. I'm sure everyone would prefer the best quality then some shit quality that is buggy in game.

I apologise to the community formally that my releasing of information has kept people waiting for so long. I apologise that the much adorned 1994 mod is still in the waiting. But I assure you that work has not stopped.

In all guys, I'm just a normal 25 year old guy, who loves modding, and loves F1. Its my passion to do this. I know many of you hate me, and I'm sorry that you do. I respect everyone equally and only ask for the selfsame in return. I never mean to offend anyone, and if anyone takes offence from me, I try to resolve the issue. Common guys, I'm just another human being trying to do my best, don't put me down for that. Sighs...there's not much else I can say is there? I just hope that someday all this animosity can go away. I am trying my best. I thank you all for your time, I hope you enjoyed reading todays blog.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Come one, come all to see the big fat liar.

Yep, you guessed it. I am going to start my blog off with a rant. Sighs.

Its not bad enough that I have to hear all the bullshit from dickheads in the community saying things like my group will fail, or I bring false promises, and shit like that, but to take things one step further and leak a beta from a group out of your own personal spite is just fucken plain stupid. Yep, you guessed it folks, the MMG 2.3.1 beta was leaked on Megaupload by yours truly, Danny Davison and Darius Trinka. How nice of them to even boast it on their msn and also post it on some german forums. I had Megaupload remove the link though which is good that they helped, but spending the last three days having to deal with this shit, along with having to check the staff forum to find out which account they used to access the forum, is just fucken wrong. At least today I was able to find out what account they used and removed the priveledges, so I guess they won't be too happy, oh boo hoo fucken hoo to them. If anyone thinks I am going to be detered from running this group by a bunch of fucken morons, you got another thing coming. I have seen a lot in my day as a mod group leader, nothing deters me.

But it did fucken annoy me, having only a week left till release of the 07 mod, I had to spend three fucken days fixing that bullshit instead of working on the mod. Thankfully however, the mod is still progressing great and is still on time, with some added features we didn't expect to be ready in time. But I will go through those below.

You know. I've been called many things in my time. First I was called a nutcase because I said I would attempt the creation of the 1950 - 2000 mod when it first began, and then the last year always advanced with each year.

I was called many names over the years, and people believed the vision to be impossible.

The vision may seem impossible, but in reality, its only impossible to those who don't want to undertake the tast to make it happen and share the same vision. A vision like this is wanted by any REAL F1 fan, and being a REAL F1 fan, I thought I'd muster the courage to attempt it. Instead, I've been abused and flamed because of trying to attempt such.

MMG is now readying the release of its first mod without problems from deserters, the 2007 F1 mod, which everyone involved including league admins and partners think is a top class mod. We hope the community will feel the same way. However, only those inside MMG, including the league admins now, really know the real work MMG has put in. Any league admin who has been given access can tell you that there are so many mods in the MMG staff forum being worked on that you guys don't know about. You guys have lots to expect from 2008 onwards out of MMG. A hell of a lot!

I built MMG with the hopes to unite modders who shared this vision, to work together on a common goal, to help strengthen the modding community, and create a dream into reality. For this I am labelled a liar, a leader spreading false hopes and false information. Sighs, what must I do? cause to tell you the truth, it fucken beats the hell out of me what those flamers want out of me.

Today I began my day with speaking to Phil Sousa and Vayapelasoo in regards to the MMG 2007 Mod Intro Movie. We discussed what music to use, and the direction we wanted for the intro movie. Phil then continued his work for the next beta of which he was able to finish today and get sent to me.

The new beta includes all the cars, the MMG menu's, the first five tracks of the season, and some more little nitbits I won't talk about here just yet. :P Hey I gotta make you all bite your fingernails in anticipation, this after all the final 5 days before release :P HAHA

After I was done with Phil and Vayapelasoo, there wasn't anyone online from the group that I needed to talk to so I continued chatting with Phil. We had some interesting discussions concerning the AI for the mod. Phil has achieved some extraordinary results with the AI and wishes to go one step further with a unique system he wants to get finished in time. He is working hard at it and I think single player mod players will have something to be awed at.

We also talked about some of the Tracks, and things that have been updated on his behalf. I must say, Phil is doing some very hard work on the tracks which is extraordinary.

By the time Phil went to bed it was dinner time for me. I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch at all today, so I went into the kitchen and made some quick Ham, Cheese and Tomato sandwiches to kill the hunger, and then I was back to work.

Raymond had come online by that time as had F1Racer. I chatted with F1Racer in regards to a little project he has going for MMG which I will not elaborate on further here. I then spoke with Raymond who showed me the progress of the Liuzzi helmet which was actually finished by a league admin who joined MMG and offered his services to help. Its nice to see that our opening to league admins has also opened the door to acquiring talented modders we didn't know existed.

You can view the template for the renault driver suit below...

We are creating each drivers suit, each driver will have their unique suit with their name on it, including the MMG Driver model which does has arms which will be optional to be viewed in the cockpit, but they are unmovable arms, they do not move.

I then spoke with Albert McSaltens about the 1991 mod. We have great progression in the mod. The demo sounds are now with me and we have organized for Sandrox to finish up the dash and rev lights for the demo cars, and soon enough we'll be able to release a demo. I don't know dates exactly yet, but we are progressing well. We have a lot of things planned and Albert, Antonio and Butch have been working very hard. So a big round of applause for those guys.

This is going back to yesterday but I spoke with Antonio last night to organize some sort of sound pack to be done for the 07 mod release. We may not have all engines done in time, but we will have at least one engine sound by Antonio (our 1991 mod sounds guy) which will be used by all cars if all the engine sounds arn't done in time.

So the good news is we can move off those ISI engine sounds.

I then spoke with Justin Time, who helps us with the car references and ensuring the cars are accurate. We discussed the rev lights and ensuring not only the colours are corrected but the way they light up according to the revs is fixed also. It will be fixed in time.

I also spoke to Juandi who showed me the progression of the Safety Car which should be finished tomorrow. Things are going really well with that too. Juandi is doing a stunning job to paint it and I should have some shots for you guys in tomorrow's blog post.

Also spoke with some MMG partners today which turned out really well, and also my daily chat with Racestart F1 Website webmaster, Maurice.

It has been a very tiring, and busy time within MMG the last few days, and with the release approaching, things are going really well. I hope you all enjoyed todays post, stay tuned for tomorrow's news.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Oh man, so tired, am I becoming a workaholic?

Greetings fellow readers of this blog. Firstly I'd like to apologise for not releasing a post yesterday. I didn't finish MMG work till 3am in the morning and right now that I am typing this its fifteen minutes till midnight, and I've just decided to stop for the night as I am too tired to go on. Wow, what a long two days in MMG mod progressing. I guess you will all want the info on it. Well here we go starting with yesterday.

Well the first thing on the agenda coming online was checking up with the Feedback on v2.3.1 of the mod. There were some physics issues we needed to correct which we are doing now but in all its going really well.

I began the day speaking with Phil about the AI, and spent some time with him also organizing the sounds for the mod to be compiled by him to be given to me the following day (Today).

After Phil I began settling more league admins with the beta and discussing all the things they wished to discuss with me to get the league versions ready. I spent about 5 and a half hours and was able to get 8 leage admins settled in which was great. At least I think it was 8, I kinda lost count after the first six, it may have been more.

I then went into the mod myself and began scanning for bugs. I checked Phil's AI again on MMG's Barcelona. It was interesting looking at the AI cars racing around the track. Different drivers would take different racing lines around the track, they'd have their own unique line which was not always the same. AI Drivers were prone to making mistakes, things like overshooting and running wide, losing the rear end only to correct it while riding the curbs in or out of the turns, making mistakes and spinning out. They were also a lot more mindful of each other and the human player (when I drove myself). Phil has done an extraordinary job with the AI and I think player who like single player mode, will love this mod.

Once I was done checking the mod I spoke with Keiko who is MMG's Helmet Painter. He was having some problems with Liuzzi's helmet so we decided to let him do another helmet whilst Raymond took over the Liuzzi helmet. Keiko's progress on the other helmet is great, and Raymond's progress on the Liuzzi helmet is even greater.

Once that was done I spoke with Maurice from Racestart F1 Website who is also making a special MMG livery on one of the 2007 Cars to be an unlockable car when you win the championship in single player mode. Its just a little added extra by the group.

I tend to talk to Maurice every day and we've become quite the good friends. He is searching for reliable, loyal dutch people who are fluent in English, to help translate his F1 Website into english, to create an english version. If anyone wishes to help then please PM Maurice at the Forum It doesn't even have to be for the translation part. If you think you can help out in any way, shape or form at Racestart F1 Website, then please PM Maurice.

When I was done talking to Maurice about the mod stuff at about 11pm, I began helping some more league admins, as well as trying to finish up checking material from various members.

I then spoke to Nazario Nuti who is the Team Owner of Bracciano Racing at FSR - Formula Simracing League Not many of you know, but I used to be a sim-racer at FSR. I won the Amateur 100% World Series Drivers Championship in 2003, and won races in 2004 and 2005 also before I quit. This year I return to FSR to race for Torrent Motorsport in the Ace Category. MMG sponsors Bracciano Racing at FSR, and we are painting their livery for the 2008 championship. After giving him the logo's he required I went to sleep, which was 3am exactly.

I was thinking about the blog but I said, fuck it, I couldn't even keep my eyes open and doing the blog then would have just been a mixture of typo's and jumbled words. So I left it for today.

Going a bit earlier for yesterday, back to around 3pm, I was able to catch up with Butch Davis, who is the rfactor season director for the 1991 mod. This weekend I will acquire the newest build of the 1991 mod for him, and then I will organize for the final stuff to get done for the demo. The sounds are coming this weekend too from Antonio and I should be able to get Sandrox started on fixing the dash boards.

I have already decided on what teams will be in the demo, and I am hoping to have the demo released sometime in March if the work can get done in the timeframe I am aiming for.

1994 Mod cars are having work progressed on them too. Soon a new beta will be available for the beta testers which should bring forth a demo soon after.

And now to today...

I began the day with talking to Phil Sousa of MMG who wanted to get me back in contact with Sergio from GPLegacy who was wanting to contact me and I had lost contact with some time ago. We have begun organizing a special article to be released at Autosimsport this month along with the release of the full mod, I'll keep you updated on here on when its released.

After that I began helping answering a few questions for league admins and also helping some of them with some problems they had, just a few files placed in the wrong directories, but got everything to work in the end.

I then spent time working on the forum to finalize more of the boards that have to be placed there. To league admins whose leagues boards are not yet up. Please forgive me but I have had no time to add them yet. Aiming for them to be up tomorrow.

I was also able to check up on the helmet progression for today from Raymond and Keiko, and they're going well too. I also got the sounds from Phil which was excellent, I can now pass them on to our sounds guy to finalize them for the final release, and hopefully they will be done in time.

I also spoke with Carlo Maker who along with Dinix (the creators of the TV Style Plugin and Spotter Plugin) are members of MMG. He will be helping to add a few things to our mod for the release which will make some file changes a lot easier then having to do them manually. Its actually going really well. Carlo and Dinix are hard at work every day, and its a real pleasure to have them in MMG, they are great guys who do excellent work!

After speaking with Carlo I continued some more work on the forum fixing up some database issues which are now fixed. Right now its after midnight here, 12:30am Saturday morning dawning. Another long day but its all apart of being a mod group leader.

Tomorrow will be yet another busy day. I hope you all enjoyed today's post. Be sure to stay tuned for tomorrow's post. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a day! and v2.3.1 CLOSED Beta news

Hello everyone, and welcome to another daily post. Today was probably one of the most busiest days of this month that I've had to endure. But a great day it was with lots of progress heading forth.

First of all after I woke up I spent time with my wife which is what I do every day before I get started in to work. She is so supportive to what I do, she is my strength really. The fact she endures all the work I have to do and the time I spend away from her is amazing, she is really amazing.

When I began working I started off talking with Phil Sousa about the new AI changes. He was working on them so I had to wait a while till he was done to acquire them.

While I was waiting, I was able to catch MMG Track Modeller Steve online. WOOT! That was one of my goals for the day. Speaking to steve I was able to bring forth some ideas to adding some extra stuff to the tracks to make them lose the rFactor originality that all tracks have. I don't understand why modders don't add some original content of their own when building tracks and keep at the original rfactor stuff. So I decided to make a change. I think people will love what we'll do with the tracks, but I won't say more till its progressed enough to show you.

Steve also had a nice surprise for me. Now only do I have the 1991 Belgium track off him for the 1991 mod, but he showed me today the v1.0 of the 1991 layout Spanish track. So now we have two tracks for the 1991 mod and more coming. :D

They do need to be finalized texture wise however so we'll do our best to get them done quickly.

The 2007 Tracks are going a bit slow at the moment with Barcelona the only one progressing for now as the boys have to deal with some real life events. But they'll be back to progressing faster soon.

I then spoke with Juandi, MMG's Texture Department Director. The honda is now completely painted with only the Steering Wheel left to paint. Once that is done it will be put in game, its physics will be made, and then the carset will be tested and it will be ready for release. WOOT!

Then Phil was done with his work on the AI, he uploaded the work he had done along with derek's physics, and I downloaded them to test. I could not have been more amazed then what I was. I think everyone is in for a real treat.

I tested them then released on the forum for the staff members to acquire. Will see how it goes from there.

Things are looking pretty good at the moment though so stay tuned for tomorrow's update :D

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A very small update today... >_>

Hello fellow MMG supporters. Once again I come on to give a daily report of todays happenings in MMG. Things got off on a good start today with me starting with checking my emails, PM's and adding more league admins to my msn in order to get them settled in. It was a relatively good morning, and things got under way quite good. So where to begin. Lets start off with MMG's GP4 conversion.

Quite a few of you should already know that the MMG F1 2007 Mod is being converted by GP4 World. The conversion is led by my good friend Paolo, who has a good team behind him, the group as follows.

Paolo - Conversion Director & Textures
Bernard - Shape conversion & Textures
Heikki - Shape Conversion & Textures
Diego - Lower Lods
Jurgen - Testing

The group has shown excellent skill in the conversion and MMG is proud to have them within our group working on the conversions. Below you can see three screenshots of the Garages with the team wall paints.

As you can see by the screenshots, the mod is looking very good. The group is doing a tremendous job in the conversion, we're hoping the GP4 community will enjoy the GP4 version of MMG's 2007 mod.

I then spoke to MMG RF to F1C converter Farhan Tanvir who showed some shots of the BMW and Red Bull conversions in F1C. I must say I didn't think F1C could look so good, the work he's putting in is just extraordinary. Below you can see two images, one of the Red Bull and the other of the BMW.

After that I spent time discussing with Phil about the AI and checking the progression in that area. I then began getting more leagues settled in to the forum as I had a lot of them to do today.

I spent some time on and RFC answering posts and questions. I then had a look at figuring out a new option for tracks which is my little secret :P It took me about 2 hours and I think I may have it figured out, hopefully with the help I am waiting for it will work the way I hope.

The Honda is going well and should be in game soon enough, its looking quite good thus far, but you'll all have to wait for F1Racer's renders of it. :P God I love being evil :P LOL

We also got some updated screenshots of v2.3.0 from Maurice, our Partner from Racestart F1 Website and they looked simply stunning. The Spyker especially is a favourite which shows the true orange colour of the Spyker. You can view the images below...

As you can see the cars are looking great in game, the FPS is brilliant and I believe everyone will be very happy with the overall outcome of this mod. I chatted with Maurice for quite some time, he is the webmaster of and is in the middle of creating some nice additions to his site which we will unviel here when he's ready to let the public know.

Right now the major problem is getting the sounds finished in time. Our two sound guys working on the 2007 mod have a busy schedule in real life and are trying to finish the sounds as quickly as they can. If they're not done in time, I will have to release the mod's carset and physics as is with either default sounds, or temporary sounds until our sounds are completed. I'm looking for alternatives in case that should be the outcome. Either way the mod will get released. I am hoping it to be around the 25th to 29th of February and hopefully we can get it done by then for v1.0.

I also need to chat to my track guru's Steve and Justin tomorrow to check up on some of the track progressions. Most tracks will be released in the expansion due to time, however we have found alternatives to supply which will include our AI made by Phil Sousa, until our tracks are done.

I have quite a bit of work cut out for me tomorrow, but it will be a nice cool day so it should be good. I thank you all for tuning in once again, I hope you enjoyed this update and please tune in again tomorrow where I will show more things. Thanks again for all your support!

Monday, February 11, 2008

More progress in the modding business

Hello all. Well I am here for another daily report of happenings in my life as the leader of MMG. First of all, carrera.4 replied! Unfortunately however he will not be joining MMG. carrera.4 enjoys moddeling and modding for himself, in which he acquires no pressure from other members, or outsiders in the work he does. Because to him it is a hobby he likes working on himself, he will not be joining MMG. However MMG wishes him all the best in his future in modding, and have let him know that we are always here to lend a helping hand.

To other things. Today consisted of a busy schedule in MMG. I woke up in the morning and had my usual health foods to keep me recovering well, (bleh, can someone get me a Big Mac?) and then got online to get started onto MMG work.

First on the agenda was talking to Phil Sousa who is finalizing some AI work for the next closed beta build. We're nearing closer to release and its an important stage that we're in now with the closed beta's. Derek has finished a near final version of the low, medium, high, monaco and monza downforce wing physics, which will be tested by our beta testers in the next build to be released to them tomorrow. Phil is working on the MMG Barcelona AI, and some Safety car AI. As you may have heard, MMG is using its own Safety Car modelled by Erik Schakel. You can view three images of it below by clicking on each thumbnail.

After discussing with Phil, I moved on to getting more leagues settled into the forum. I still have quite a lot to do. I then discussed with Derek about working on the 1991 mod physics which should be getting under way when the new build for the beta testers is ready. I'm hoping to have a demo released soon but until Antonio is back with those sounds, I am kinda stuck waiting.

After that I spoke with Raymond, organized the adding of the complete new 1994 Lotus and Williams models to the game. We'll be getting Sandrox our in game guru to add them in and do the dash boards. Also having Paolo and a few other painters finish the new mclaren 1994 paint, also doing the Benetton 1994 paint, and also the Simtek 1994 paint.

Once that was sorted I spoke with MMG Modeller Oyvind to find out how the progress on the 1994 Tyrrell, which is going pretty good thus far. Tomorrow I'll have to catch MMG Modeller Charlee Skywalker to see how the 1994 Sauber is going, so hopefully I will have some updates there for you guys.

After that I had some food. A nice Ham, tomato and cheese sandwich along with greek salad consisting of Tomato, cucumber, onions, and white australian fetta cheese sprinkled with oregano and some olive oil. Mmmmm I must admit as much of a meat eater that I am, it was tasty.

Once my meal was done I was back to work with getting more work done on getting more leagues settled in. Not an easy job that, takes around 15-20 minutes per person depending on their knowledge of how things work.

I pretty much finished my day off right now at 11pm at night with this blog detailing my daily events to you all. As you can see things are progressing as best as they can be. I hope you enjoy these blog posts and hearing how things are run by a leader of a large group. If you didn't know how things were done and how a team like this was managed by its founder, well here you can sort of find out what the work entails for someone who wishes to be a mod group leader. I hope you enjoy reading this, stay tuned tomorrow for some more news and screenshots!

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